Behind me, the industrial-sized heater that hung from the ceiling vibrated to life and pushed a wave of warm air across the room. I blinked, then glanced down at the can of Coke in my hand. I cracked it open and settled back in the chair. I could just make out a fire engine parked on Cannonball Gate, but the rest of the scene was blocked from view by the Nashes’ house. A huge column of smoke and ash had risen toward the cloud base and drifted southeast until it was difficult to see where one ended and the other began. As I watched, the sun inched above the horizon, and in the west, the rim of the Blue Ridge Mountains glowed red against a dark sky as if a wildfire had crested the ridge. As the sun inched higher, the golden light cascaded down the slope. It spread across the valley floor, racing to meet the sun, and the colorless landscape and mist that blanketed the ground momentarily turned pink before the day brightened.

COLD BURN is set in Warrenton, Virginia. Much of my early research for COLD BURN was done on the Internet, but I followed up with a visit to Warrenton and fell in love with this quaint town set east of the Blue Ridge Mountains and in the middle of Virginia horse country.
Speaking of horse country, here's a link to a wonderful tack store in Warrenton: Horse Country Saddlery. The photo on their home page says it all.
Site content copyrighted 2006/2007 by Kit Ehrman. top of page
Louisville Skyline photo by
ISBN: 1-59058-143-1
February, 2005
Trade Paperback
ISBN: 1-59058-293-4
November, 2006
ISBN: 1-59058-157-1
February, 2005
"Ehrman's best yet." ~Kirkus
"skillfully ratchets up the suspense" ~Booklist
"terrific, engaging novel..."
~The Daily Oakland Press
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"vivid..." Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine