It began to rain, again. Big, fat drops that beaded up on the hood and splattered the windshield. The heavier ones rolled over and collided with smaller ones before joining together in channels that snaked across the glass like liquid tree branches. Even though the defrost was on, condensation inched up the inside of the glass, tinted green by a trick of light.
I tried to relax into my seat as the breeze kicked up. It buffeted the car and plastered sodden newspapers in the shrubs growing on the steep slope that rose from the edge of the lot. A paper cup from a fast food joint blasted past us, bouncing across the asphalt until it disappeared from sight. The rain suddenly increased to a downpour as cleanly as if someone had flipped a switch.
“Oh, this is just peachy.” The words hadn’t left McPherson’s mouth before Yates’s pickup glided around the corner.

COLD BURN is set in Warrenton, Virginia. Much of my early research for COLD BURN was done on the Internet, but I followed up with a visit to Warrenton and fell in love with this quaint town set east of the Blue Ridge Mountains and in the middle of Virginia horse country.
Speaking of horse country, here's a link to a wonderful tack store in Warrenton: Horse Country Saddlery. The photo on their home page says it all.
Site content copyrighted 2006/2013 by Kit Ehrman. top of page
Louisville Skyline photo by
ISBN: 1-59058-143-1
February, 2005
Trade Paperback
ISBN: 1-59058-293-4
November, 2006
ISBN: 1-59058-157-1
February, 2005
"Ehrman's best yet." ~Kirkus
"skillfully ratchets up the suspense" ~Booklist
"terrific, engaging novel..."
~The Daily Oakland Press
~Publishers Weekly
"vivid..." Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine