Reading Group Guide for AT RISK (2002) . . .
by Kit Ehrman
Fiction/Mystery / Poisoned Pen Press / hardcover / October 2002 / $24.95 / 1-59058-036-2 / mass market paperback / October 2003 / $6.99 / 0-7434-7506-2
About this Guide . . .
The questions and discussion ideas that follow are intended to enhance your group's reading and discussion of Kit Ehrman's debut mystery, AT RISK.
If you so desire, the author is available to speak with your group via telephone. Please e-mail Kit to schedule a phone conference.
You can print this Reading Group Guide directly from the website or download it as a Word Document.
About AT RISK . . .
This stirring first mystery is set in Maryland's rich horse country where Steve Cline seems, at twenty-one, much too young to be in charge of a major stable. Seasoned by summers on a dude ranch, his skills and stamina are sorely tested when he's hijacked early one morning along with some of the stable's horses. His escape turns him into a killer's target in an environment where a complex scheme develops and everyone, no matter how innocent, courts risks . . .
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For Discussion . . .
What kind of mood did the author establish in the opening of At Risk? How did the author achieve this? Did you anticipate that something bad was about to happen, and if so, can you pinpoint a phrase or sentence or paragraph that made you feel that way?
Do you think Steve's reaction to the attack and abduction was realistic? Why or why not?
We glimpse Steve's relationship with his parents from the following thoughts. About his father, Steve thinks, "One thing was certain, they hadn't kidnapped me to collect a ransom. Though my father had a ton of money, few people knew I was the son of Robert J. Cline, MD, cardiovascular surgeon extraordinare. One of Johns Hopkins' elite superstars." And when we first meet his boss, Mrs. Hill, Steve thinks the following of her, "She would have been thrilled if I'd been more willing to accept her as a motherly substitute. God surely intended her to be one, unlike my own mother who was more adept at managing fund-raisers and organizing charities for strangers than caring for her family."
How does Steve's poor relationship with both parents, especially his father, affect how he views the world? How does it influence the choices he makes and the risks he takes? Is there any evidence that Steve realizes the impact his parents have on his attitudes and relationships?
Steve and Detective James Ralston's relationship slowly changes over the course of the book. In what way? By the end of the book, how do you think Detective Ralston views Steve and vice versa? How did you feel about Detective Ralston? Was he a sympathetic character?
Which secondary character did you like the most and why?
Whitcombe, the trainer, has always been difficult, but his irritation with Steve grows stronger throughout the story? Why?
Elsa Timbrook uses sex as a way to remain in control. Why do you think she's like this? Why do you think she cooperates with Steve toward the end?
During the investigation, Steve will not allow himself to suspect his best friend, Marty. Did you suspect him and, if so, why?
Steve is rather mature for his age. Do you think his unusual upbringing, and the fact that he had to fend for himself every summer since he was eleven years old, adequately explains his maturity?
One of Ehrman's goals is to use setting in such a way that the reader feels as if he's in the story. Do you think the author was successful? Did you feel there was too much description? Were the horse details confusing, or were you given enough information to understand the gist of what was happening?
Was the ending exciting? Was it satisfying? In a sense, At Risk is a coming-of-age story. How do you think Steve is doing emotionally by the end of the story? How has he changed?
Steve has his share of shortcomings, but overall, did you like him? What would you like for his future?
What question would you most like to ask the author?
Thank you for using this guide. We hope you enjoyed AT RISK

Site content copyrighted 2006/2013 by Kit Ehrman. top of page
Louisville Skyline photo by

Poisoned Pen Press
October, 2002
ISBN: 1-59058-036-2
Trade Paperback
August, 2006
ISBN: 1-59058-265-9
"It's amazing what horses can do for a mystery. Kit Ehrman's debut novel, AT RISK, reeks of authen-ticity, and the hunters and jumpers that are boarded at this no-frills garage have personality to burn. When seven of these horses are stolen in the dead of night, Stephen Cline, the 21-year-old barn manager . . . in the honored tradition of a Dick Francis hero, vows to track down the thieves..."
~ The New York Times
"The smart money could make the unusually likable protagonist a favorite in the Francis Stakes."
~ Kirkus
"Both horse lovers and crime fans who've never stepped into a stirrup will relish Ehrman's riveting debut . . . Ehrman treads Dick Francis territory with a sure foot [and] has created a mem-orable cast. With his youthful zeal and perseverance, Steve Cline makes a captivating hero and sleuth, one readers will be eager to see again."
~Publishers Weekly
"At best, only a small fraction of first novels turn out to be first in a series (why assume that success for AT RISK?) The over-arching reason is that its author is thoughtful and clever, as well as skilled. Ehrman's writing is unob-trusively crisp . . . The plot is intricate, intriguing, and solid in the best tra-ditional style . . ." (see the complete review-->)
~ The Drood Review
"AT RISK by Kit Ehrman is suspense on steroids and one of the best debut novels to hit the crime literature racetrack since Dennis Lehane's A DRINK BEFORE THE WAR. Clear ample shelf space for a Steve Cline series because Ehrman, a real-life horse farmer, has hit for the literary trifecta."
~ Andrew McAleer of Austin Layman's Crimestalker Casebook